Saturday, March 07, 2015

Black Fin Tuna on the Darts

I have a couple posts waiting on photographic evidence.  The guys I took out in the depths of my cold final got weather to visit the Marathon Hump on Thursday.  I gave them a couple of purple and black darts with the very complicated instructions of just pull them.  They end up with about 20 black fin and a skippy, but managed to lose the darts to a shark or two.  So I reloaded them today.

In any case the report is that a bit larger black fin have finally moved in.  They estimated these to be about 5 pounds average with a few pushing ten pounds.  That is a long way from 30 plus pounders but compared to the dinks I have been catching a major improvement.

I still haven't heard any good sailfish reports and the cobia are becoming a bit scarce compared to last month.  The Gulf Stream pushed in close this week and the pilchards are thick so that might change.  March can be a bit difficult with some fishing heading out while others head in, but tarpon seem to be acting normal even if the mullet are not.

I have heard a few encouraging dolphin reports but they required a good bit of fuel since most where past the wall.  The winds should be shifting more to the south east this month which should bring them in closer.

Trip wise it has been weird as usual.  We started off with a bang but that petered out so my book is open until the end of the month.  Other than sucking on that last deep bay trip though fishing has been pretty fair if you go with the flow.

Marathon in the Florida Keys should be your next fishing vacation destination. Join us for charter fishing, fishing guide trips or our fishing 101 so you can fish on your own with better success.

 Tight lines,

 Capt. Dallas

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