Thursday, December 27, 2012

Spanish Mackerel Adventure with Craigs List

This year's Craigs list passenger was Mike from some place that gets cold in winter.  With calm weather and volunteer kid watchers, even Carol was able to come out and play.

Carol, who I recently introduced to the joys of gas station cuisine  Dion's Crispy Chic fried chicken, shows that she can catch fish too.

With the full moon and Bay Shrimp running, the bite took a while to get going and lively shrimp where the bait of choice for the Spanish.  Normally any old bait will do, but they were very picky eaters with all the shrimp cocktail on the menu.

Most folks seem to have survived the holiday feasting both on the ocean and in the neighborhood.  Craigs List Mike, a former fishing show host, seems to have inspired the crew to more ambitious culinary mackerel adventures than Porky's Bay Side Smoked Mackerel dip.  Fish Cakes do seem to be in the dining future for a crew staying at KCB.  Between Dion's Fried Chicken and Spanish Mackerel several ways, Chicago Joe's crew is getting pretty Keysie.

Marathon in the Florida Keys should be your next fishing vacation destination. Join us for charter fishing, fishing guide trips or our fishing 101 so you can fish on your own with better success.

Tight lines,

Capt. Dallas

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