Sunday, September 13, 2015

Hogfish closure

Because Hogfish landings hit the magic ACL, Hogfish are closed in federal waters until the first of the year.  The State of Florida hasn't closed Hogfish in state waters.  State waters extend three nautical miles from any land into the Atlantic and nine nautical miles from any land into the Gulf of Mexico.  So you can still keep Hogfish inside those boundaries.  You should stick with State limits on other species if you plan to keep Hogfish.  For example the Federal limit on Mangroves is 10 per person per day and the State limit is five per person per day.

American Red Snapper are open year around in the Atlantic State Waters and closed all year in federal waters.  On the Gulf side you both State and Federal closures that most of the time tend to agree.  Right now Saturdays and Sundays are open until someone changes their mind.

I normally try to stay away from the loophole fishing, but given the highly skilled and ultra intelligent elected powers at be we have to deal with, I have to.  However, for the average visitor trying to have a somewhat stress free vacation, sticking with the Florida Saltwater fishing regulations is the easiest way to go.  Of course, any time you try to stick with State laws someone is liable to make a Federal case out of it.

Marathon in the Florida Keys should be your next fishing vacation destination. Join us for charter fishing, fishing guide trips or our fishing 101 so you can fish on your own with better success.

 Tight lines,

 Capt. Dallas

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